
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2021
My favorite food I love cooking, especially things that I want to eat or that aren't easy to have (especially because of the quarantine). One of the types of food that I really like is Asian food, they have many meals that do not necessarily have to include meat and have a lot of vegetables and seeds and are generally healthy. I think my favorite one, until now, it's dumplings. I is bread or pastries stuffed with a kind of "pino" or actually with whatever you want to put in. The dough is filled with some vegetables and meat (it can be soya) and then steamed. Maybe I like this meal because it reminds me when I saw "Kung Fu Panda" with my brothers (it appears in the movie). I think this meal can be quite healthy if it has more vegetables and a less dought. Well, I hope everyone of you can try it some time, bye!
My favorite piece of tecnology Before the pandemic, like many others, I wasn't so used to spending a lot of time with technology and, if I did, it was only to watch series or play videogames. Now, the time changed, so I had to get used to use  my computer or my cellphone all the time for everything, to talk with my friends, for the university works, to watch movies, to listen to music, etc. So, I think that my favorite piece of tecnology is my computer because I can do almost all those things and my favorite things. Sometimes it is very sad to watch movies or play with my friends in this form but anyways we can have a good times. I recommend trying to use technology in the best way to stay sane in this quarantine, because it can be a good thing to distracts yourself       from everything.