Who am I?

Hi everyone! My name is Sofía Corvalán. I am from La Florida, Santiago and I have lived here all my life, all my family is near so my mother doesn't like moving.

I'm studying Pharmacy, until today I haven't  regretted it and I hope to adore the career the rest of the years.

I really love arts and music, in the past I visited museums all the time but now it is almost impossible :(

I have two brothers, I'm the oldest, or that it is supposed to be, because they grown a lot that I look the youngest now. Also we have 2 dogs, the older is almost 14 years old and her name is Blancky, she has been in my family for many years.


  1. Hi me too study pharmacy and i love it. I hope that you can visit museums soon :(.

  2. Hi Sofía!, what kind of music do you like?

  3. Stay possitive about the career! you can do it everything<3


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