
 A subject you enjoyed studying Well, first of all I would like to say that I really liked these posts. So, I think it is my favorite subject  of my little time in university is "The pharmaceutical and his action", it is not very entertaining,  but every time they show us the reality of what I could be if I finish my degree I get very excited and it makes me I like it more. In general, they show us basic things about the profession, such as work areas or things like that. I've learned a lot about some pharmacy terminology that I really like, too, lately we've had to work for a pharmacy debate and I was with really nice people so I'm very happy. Before starting the subject I thing it was going to be heavier and more demanding or I have to going to  read a lot, or simply that it would be very boring. Maybe I was not wrong with reading a lot but at least I liked it.
 An expert/person in your field that you admire When I was child, Ialways tried to be good in different areas, such as art, science, sports, etc. One day, in a science class, a teacher tell us how helicopters worked and he told us a little things about their inventor, Leonardo da Vinci. Since then I have always admired him for all the things he could do and for the wonderful creations that he made. Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was born on April 5, 1452 in Anchiano, Italy and died on May 2, 1519, he was a painter, architect, scientist, writer, engineer, inventor, musician and many other things, some of his best known works are: The Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, the Vitruvian Man, etc., and some of his best known inventions are: the parachute, the catapult, the water suit, etc. Many times this great artist inspires me to create without limits, discover and investigate the things that I question and to want to know more things.
How can your major make the world a better place? One of the purpose of my major is about generating chemicals in industries, specifically, excipients thet, after adding a few more things, will bcome in drugs that will have a medical purpose to help people. This drugs will can cure, treat, improve, etc., diseases, infections and many more things that affect people's health, making it really important for the world. Other area that a farmacist work is in the hospitals either in their pharmacies, delivering medications and helping people with the correct use of these or direct medical treatment of especifical pacients, working with the doctors and nurses for the improvement of condition of the pacient.  I still don't know if I would like a more direct work with the patient and their treatment or in the hospital pharmacies, in a more distance way. But I know that I would like to work with patients who require the drugs and not just creating them in the industries without seeing h...
A photo and its story The story of this  photo could have given me problems but I do not regret anything. It was on vacation with a friend, we were going on the road towards in the direction of where we were staying and we saw a path in the middle of the road and, because my friend was very crazy, she convinced her parents to enter. It was a path that ended in a small beach and then it went through a forest until we reached a cabin, obviously we did not go into. The best thing about entering there, apart from the fact that all the place was very beautiful, was that we found a penguin, it was a little lost and we helped it enter into the water, it is a beautiful memory.
My favorite food I love cooking, especially things that I want to eat or that aren't easy to have (especially because of the quarantine). One of the types of food that I really like is Asian food, they have many meals that do not necessarily have to include meat and have a lot of vegetables and seeds and are generally healthy. I think my favorite one, until now, it's dumplings. I is bread or pastries stuffed with a kind of "pino" or actually with whatever you want to put in. The dough is filled with some vegetables and meat (it can be soya) and then steamed. Maybe I like this meal because it reminds me when I saw "Kung Fu Panda" with my brothers (it appears in the movie). I think this meal can be quite healthy if it has more vegetables and a less dought. Well, I hope everyone of you can try it some time, bye!
My favorite piece of tecnology Before the pandemic, like many others, I wasn't so used to spending a lot of time with technology and, if I did, it was only to watch series or play videogames. Now, the time changed, so I had to get used to use  my computer or my cellphone all the time for everything, to talk with my friends, for the university works, to watch movies, to listen to music, etc. So, I think that my favorite piece of tecnology is my computer because I can do almost all those things and my favorite things. Sometimes it is very sad to watch movies or play with my friends in this form but anyways we can have a good times. I recommend trying to use technology in the best way to stay sane in this quarantine, because it can be a good thing to distracts yourself       from everything.
Why did I choose my major? When I was a child I always imagined that I had the power to cure people , me and my brothers often played to be heroe s or explore things in our yard and sometimes in our missions someone got hurt and I helped them. For that reason I always imagined myself studying something about medicine so, in the last years of school , I was a little lost because I couldn't find something related to helping people and at the same time that was it is not so linked to medicine (I' m the type of person who is scared of blood and those things). Togeather with   to this I also had some options related to chemistry, which is my favorite science, and finally, thanks to the help of many career talks, I discovered that Pharmacy was exactly those things mixed so I decided to studyng Pharmacy. I think my dream job would be to investigate and create new drugs, I would definitely love to do it.  About my experience at university I think it is not what I expec...